Above The Bar HR

Let's Get Started!


Winning the talent war while side-stepping the "Great Resignation" with top-notch recruiting services that fit your exact needs and culture.

Our Recruiting Services 

Our longstanding clients have often asked for our assistance finding, hiring & retaining top talent, so we decided to expand our service offerings and answer their cries for help! We help you win the talent war while side-stepping the "Great Resignation" with top-notch recruiting services that fit your exact needs and culture.

SMART Recruiting Processes Include:

  • Job Description Preparation
  • Online Job Postings to our Extensive Network
  • Identifying and Presenting Qualified Individuals
  • Scheduling In-Person or Virtual Interviews
  • Providing References
  • Assisting with Offer Letters
  • Candidate Negotiations


Company Handbook Development 

Building a company handbook that ensures compliance and is comprehensive of necessary disclosures regarding your company's guidelines, safety, compensation, etc. can be tedious and time-consuming work that pulls you away from the core of your business. Our clients have regularly asked for our help in this area, so we're offering a great solution via our company handbook development service. 



Brainstorm Icon for Company Handbook


Company Handbook Development Processes Include: 

  • 30-45 minute kickoff call with your HR consultant about your company to determines which policies you must comply with
  • Obtaining any current policies
  • Draft of our suggested handbook which will include the following sections: Introduction, Employment, Conduct and Behavior, Compensation, Benefits, Workplace Guidelines, Safety, Employment Separation, and an Employee Handbook Acknowledgement
  • 60 minute one-on-one review of draft with HR consultant (any changes must adhere to federal, state, and municipal compliance requirements)
  • Formatted, updated final version of your handbook

    Note: This service includes generally-required and acceptable policies for Companies. This service does not include recommendations on business decisions such as time off, holidays, types of leave not required by law or similar items.

Reach out to our HR team to get started